Springtime at Canyon Falls by L'anse, MI

Springtime at Canyon Falls by L'anse, MI

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


psst...shhh...don't say anything...but....(looks around to make sure no one is listening)....the apple trees are getting the green haze of.......spring!!!! but don't tell....we might scare spring away....and we can't have that can we?

i am not sure if you can see the green in this pic or not...I had to take it with my phone...my camera has mysteriously come up missing!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter Blogger Buddies

Okay, so this blog isn't really about Easter...just checking in...we have made a dent on getting the camper ready for the season...so far this is what we have done...

bought the caulk to fix the leak (can't actually fix it until we get some decent weather...packaging says it has to be in the 70's and of course not raining)

My sis in law bought her new tent...the old on didn't have enough ventilation on hot days, the only windows were in the door...

bought two new tires for the camper so we now have 4 new tires and 3 spares....they have to be put on though...

bought new vent cover thingies for something to do with draining the camper...not real sure, just told the husband to buy what we needed...

we bought a thingie that goes over the antenae for the camper so hopefully we can get some channels this year, instead of just movies on rainy days...

OHHH...about those tires....I have to give a plug to the great folks at Tractor Supply....last June when the first two new tires were purchased at the time of the accident, my father in law went to Tractor Supply in Charlotte and got them for $99.00 a piece....this spring when we were looking for tires, the price had gone up considerably to $150 a piece...however, I took the reciept from the previous tires to the Howell Store with me....The man there looked at the reciept, went and talked to his manager, and came back and told me they would sell me the tires for $109.00 a piece...so a big heartfelt Thank You! to Tractor Supply company for helping us out...I think we probably would have had to forego the new tires had we had to pay $150 for them!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Growing up

Seems like only a few days ago, I was in the hospital giving birth to my little monster boy....today I have to go sign him up for Kindergarten...he's definitely changed from the happy baby he was to a wild, ferocious, monsterish, happy little boy....we have left behind bottles, diapers, and toddler toys, today he prefers Tractors, Trains, and Trucks...not necessarily in that order....don't quite know what I am going to do with him...besides watch him go...

BTW...7 weeks and 5 days til vacation!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 weeks and counting

the beautiful weather today really has me thinking it's camping season, although Mr. Not as Excited as I am, will disagree. He has some legitimate concerns, like it's still getting down in the 30's at night, the water lines might freeze. However, Mrs. Optimistic and her friends are raring to go. I can only imagine with it being 86 (down in troll land) by my temp gauge in my truck, today, what Lake Superior is going to feel like in June....woo hooo!!!!!!!

other things going on.....the farm where my husband works is soon to have a new foal...personally, I would love to see a filly, but hey, they are all cute and fun to play with. Eyes (Cantouchis, the mare) is due on my birthday so here in the next few days or week there should be little foal born.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

11 weeks from tomorrow!

Yes, 11 weeks from tomorrow....or 77 days...until we leave for vacation. We wont mention the 10 weeks of school that comes in there, but at least it will help it go by fast. These next weeks will be a whirlwind, (i hope), to me...but I am so happy because with vacation comes s'mores, good friends, new and not so new, family, smore's, campfires, Lake Superior, the Soo Locks, and did I say Smore's? I am looking forward to meeting some of my blogger buddies, and hanging out with my mom, my best sis in law, my husband, son, and some good friends...