Springtime at Canyon Falls by L'anse, MI

Springtime at Canyon Falls by L'anse, MI

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Old Pictures

My husband and I were looking for a picture tonight and came across these pictures of the first time we took our son camping in U. P. when he was 15 months old....

Tahquemenon Falls in 2007

My son and my sister in law by Point Iriqious lighthouse (the Lighthouse by Brimley MI)

Trenton's first trip to the Soo Locks...

My husband and my son in the top of the Point Itiqious Lighthouse


  1. I love them...been to many of these places too, of course,being a YOOPER. ha Hope you get to fill your photo albums with many more wonderful trips to the U.P.!!

  2. Too cute!! Thanks for sharing! Made me miss home :(

  3. Someday Joan, someday....I can't never (now there's some good english) get enough of the U.P.

    Cait, i know....I will try to get some pictures of Marquette for you when we are there this June...if not, check out The Retirement Chronicles, my friend Joan's Blog (The Retired One)...she has lots of neat pictures of the U.P. and your "home."
